Cream of the Crop 1
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║ The Quote of The Day Version 4.65 ║
║ Copyright (c) 1990-1992 by Cal Gardner ║
║ All Rights Reserved ║
║ Released: Wednesday, August 18th, 1992. Number of Quotes Avail: 4290 ║
║ **Please scan files for viruses before use! Just a safety precaution** ║
║ TQOTD Disclaimer and Registration Information ║
TQOTD is provided on an "as is" basis, without any warranty of any kind.
I, Cal Gardner, do not warrant, guarentee or make any representations
regarding the use of, or the results of TQOTD. I am also, in no way
possible, responsible for any damages sustained either directly, or
indirectly from the use of TQOTD
A registration form is included in this package. You are required to
register this after 31 days of use. This is a shareware product, but please
support the shareware concept. Registration is only $5.00 so I am not
asking alot. It has been many late nights writing TQOTD and this way I
know my program is being appreciated.
Please remember to include your PreRegistration number with your money when
registering TQOTD. Without this number, I am unable to send you a key.
║ What is TQOTD you say? ║
TQOTD will pull quotes from a normal everyday ASCII text file and place
them nice and neat in an ANSI, ASCII and AVATAR file. You do have the
ability to add your own quotes, plus TQOTD will display the quotes in
sequential or random order with great speed. We currently offer over 3000
quotes with more available for download/file requesting..
║ Upgrading from TQOTD v4.60 ║
If you were running TQOTD v4.60, you MUST run 460TO465.EXE to convert your
version 4.60 configuration files to 4.65's.
║ Configuration File for TQOTD ║
To configure TQOTD, type TQOTDCFG in your TQOTD directory.
The following is an explanation of what each option in TQOTDCFG does:
A) ANSI FileName - This is the path and filename you want
TQOTD to create for the ANSI Bulletin.
B) ASCII FileName - This is the path and filename you want
TQOTD to create for the ASCII Bulletin.
C) Avatar FileName - This is the path and filename you want
TQOTD to create for the Avatar Bulletin.
D) QuotePath - This is the PATH to TQOTD.BBS
(ONLY the Path)
E) Random Quote Mode - Read quotes in at Random or in Sequential
F) Use a SBBS Pause Code - If Yes, this will place a ASCII value 1
at the end of the Enter Prompt. This
is for SBBS/QBBS and RABBS systems.
G) Prompt - This is the prompt displayed to the
user after displaying the quote.
H) Prompt Position - This is how you want the quote displayed.
To the Left/Right of the screen or
I) Line Colour - The Colour of the line seperating the
Quote and the Enter Prompt.
J) Prompt Colour - The Colour of the Enter Prompt.
K) Quote Colour - The Colour of the Quote Text;
L) Fancy Screen Displays - By answering YES, TQOTD will use the
colour window screen for output. By
answering NO, TQOTD will use straight
ASCII Text with no fancy output.
Q) Quit and Save - Exits TQOTDCFG and creates/updates
R) Rescan TQOTD.BBS - This scans TQOTD.BBS and places the
total number of quotes for when
TQOTD runs.
X) Quit - Exit TQOTDCFG without saving TQOTD.CFG
║ Running TQOTD On your BBS System ║
An example batch file for SuperBBS/QuickBBS Systems:
If Errorlevel 90 goto CBV
If Errorlevel 5 goto Packmail
If Errorlevel 4 goto Packmail
If Errorlevel 3 goto Packmail
If Errorlevel 1 goto End
Goto Start
TQOTD can be run on ANY BBS system known. It just requires a bit of playing
and you've got the greatest Quote generator working on your BBS.
TQOTD has been tested once again. On my 386/20 MHz machine, it could
read quote 8000 and be finished in less than 8 seconds. Pretty fast eh?
║ Additional Quotes available!!! ║
Yes! Some new quotes have been brought in courtesy of a few SysOps in
Canada and the US. The files can be freqed from me. So far none of the
systems have these files (I am sure they will before long):
Filename Description Size Quotes
------------ ---------------------------------- ------- ------
STQUOTES.ARJ Quotes from Star Trek 23,115 0401
T_QUOTES.ARJ More quotes, and I mean MORE! 100,156 2414
║ Other Information and the History of TQOTD ║
If you have any questions pertaining to TQOTD or any other inquiries, you
may contact me via the following:
Air Waves SuperBBS HST
1200-9600 Bps/HST/MNP
(416) 984-4076
FidoNet: 1:247/117
SIGnet: 34:4416/0
Cal Gardner
92 Green Maple Drive
Canada, L2P 3P5
Special thanks goes to Clayton Mattatall of Clayton & Associates for
helping me with some Excellent screen routines and with other major
parts of this code.
* History:
1.00 - First ever version. Written in TP 3.0a
1.50 - Ansi Emulation added, touch up on speed
2.00 - Ansi bug fixed, buffered quote file, added top header
2.05 - More bugs fixed. Removed annoying 30 day trial key
3.00 - Major re-write. TP 5.0. Nice colours, better Monochrome support
3.25 - More features added. Random quoting, fixing of header
3.50 - Re-wrote the accessing of the quote file for slower XT systems
3.75 - Re-release of 3.50
3.76 - Re-release of 3.75
4.00 - Major re-write - Beatiful loadup screens
4.05 - Fixed bug where Tqotd will read quote file and write the ansi file
until you ran out of hardrive space.
4.10 - Rewrote top header, removed all beeps, bells and whistles. Added
200 more quotes. Quote file now fully loaded into memory while
being read. Registration optional. Removal of random quoting
until 4.15 (If released). Removed other BBS Support until next
version. More to come
4.15 - Added Option for Rotating Red/Blue lines
Added option for Ctrl-A, enter at end of output files
Speeded up quote reading, much faster now.
No longer limited to 500 quotes. Accepts up to 1000.
Configurable enter prompt.
4.20 - Added option to reset quote at sysop definable point.
Fix up a very small bug in the quote file.
Added the option for Random Quote selection as well as
sequential quoting.
Fixed a MAJOR bug in the reading of the quote file while it
was searching for the quote. I left this out from version 4.00 for
some reason. I was not searching for the end of the TQOTD.BBS file
so it could reset counters. Instead when quote 609 was reached, it
would only read nuls. It's fixed now. It will reset to quote 1
if sequential reading is enabled, or will just read quote 1 when
random quoting is enabled.
4.21 - Minor bug fix on EOF reading in 4.20. 200+ Quotes Added.
4.25 - Added Monochrome support (Learned borders, backgrounds didn't
appear like they should have). This can be enabled by adding a
/M or /m to the command line. Added definable colour in the
configuration file for the lines for the quote. Removed
"Rotating Lines" option. Another minor Random Quote bug was
4.26 - Fixed a major bug in reading of quote files. Read for ever and
never displayed the quote for some configurations. Moved the
header over 1 coloumn to allow quotes with lengths of 80 characters.
4.27 - Fixed a Boo-boo. The ASCII header was coming out with a few too
many linefeeds at the end.
4.30 - Dah! Another boo-boo fixed. Enhanced speed with extended
quote file buffering. Tqotd has also been compressed.
4.40 - Added in Avatar (+0) Support for those of you who can support
and use it. A few cosmetic changes were I made some typos.
4.41 - Added a clear screen in the Avatar file. Update.
4.45 - Allowed configuration of the lines between the header and the
quote and between the Enter Prompt the quote.
4.46 - This version is not compressed with LZE. Some strange things
seems to occur when it was compressed. Fixed a buffer overflow
4.50 - Removed the BBS advertising in the output files. A major redoing
of the SysOp's end of the screen. Also cleaned up the code a bit.
If the enter prompt line is blank, it will not default to a preset
enter prompt. This was done for TAG systems.
4.51 - Forgot to take out the detecting for Registered SysOps for the
Beta versions
4.55 - Really screwed up in 4.50. For unregistered sysops, the colour
definitions were missing. The positioning of the text in the
header was also off. This has been fixed. Added in code to
disallow any HEX editing of TQOTD after finding a toyed with
version on another BBS. Added in a delay for unregistered
4.60 - You no longer require a /M if you a running on a Monochrome/
Hercules graphics adapter. TQOTD now detects your video mode
and displays all text to the proper memory locations.
TQOTD now is accompanied by TQOTDCFG. TQOTD no longer uses
a Text-based configuration file.
Added in faster screen writes. Also, added in an 8K buffer for
reading in the Quote file. Re-Optimized the code. Runs faster
and smoother.
4.65 - ReAdded the function to use NO fancy screen output. (The
equivalent to 4.25's added /M routine.
║ TQOTD Support Systems ║
There is currently an Non-FidoNet backbone echo available for
TQOTD. If you wish to receive this echo, send Netmail to one of the
below support sites.
Air Waves SuperBBS (*) 1-416-984-4076 [Canadian/US/Elsewhere Reg]
FidoNet 1:247/117 St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
USRobotics 14400 HST (HST/MNP5/V42B)
United States:
Lighthouse BBS (*) 1-219-464-2443
FidoNet 1:230/20 Valparaiso, Indiana, USA
USRobotics 14400 DSHST (HST/MNP5/V32B/V42B)
Magicland SuperBBS 1-414-733-3882
FidoNet 1:139/650 Applegate, Wisconsin, USA
USRobotics 14400 HST (HST/MNP5/V42B)
The Armadillo's Hole (*) 1-915-949-6496
FidoNet 1:383/12 San Angelo, Texas, USA
2400 BPS (NONE)
Cross Beat BBS 61-2-605-9483
FidoNet 3:713/611 Macquarie Fields NSW, Australia
14400 BPS (V32B/V42B/PEP)
United Kingdom:
OCTOPUS BBS (*) 44-706-874802 [UK Registration Site]
Fidonet 2:250/131 Bocup, UK
14400 BPS (V32B/V42B)
A (*) beside the BBS name signifies that the BBS carries the
TQOTD_SUPPORT echo. You may contact the SysOp of that BBS to
pick up the TQOTD_SUPPORT echo. Eventually this echo will make
it's way to the backbone.